I was doing my research fieldwork around the Bangi area in late November 2011, when I suddenly stumbled into a stray pregnant female cat. I was instantly attracted to her unique appearance, her face looked like a sad mime or harlequin. When i tried to approach her, she scuttled away. I saw something weird about the way she ran away, it was only then I realized that she has 1 missing hand, and the wound was still bloody & raw. Feeling sympathy for this 3-legged cat, I proceeded to feed & check on her for the next 2 days and nights. On the 3rd day, I successfully captured her & immediately brought her to the vet for treatment. This is her story..and mine. A story about Harlie, the 3-legged cat.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Harlie's bill at HVC is settled!

Salam semua.

Pada 27/12/11, saya telah pergi ke HVC untuk berjumpa dgn Dr. Joe. Kali ni, bukan untuk melawat Harlie (duuhh, sebab Harlie dah ada kat rumah haha) tapi untuk membuat pembayaran terakhir bagi melangsaikan bil rawatan Harlie.

Di bawah ni saya attachkan gambar resit rasmi dari HVC untuk pembayaran kos rawatan Harlie yang terakhir ni.

Last payment receipt from HVC

Jumlah kos rawatan Harlie yang masih tertunggak ialah RM615. Ini adalah berdasarkan anggaran jumlah kos rawatan RM1315 untuk rawatan dari 24/11/11 hingga 7/12/11 seperti yang telah dikira oleh Dr Joe sebelum ini. Dari tarikh 8/12/11 sehingga 21/12/11, semua kos rawatan & hospitalization Harlie telah ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh HVC (atas sebab luka jahitannya masih belum pulih & perlu dijahit semula & memerlukan pemantauan rapi). Terima kasih Dr Joe, Dr Nurul & HVC! :)

Selepas membuat pembayaran tersebut, saya masih mempunyai baki wang derma berjumlah RM393. Dalam masa seminggu lepas sebelum saya membawa Harlie pulang ke rumah, saya ada membeli makanan, pasir litter box, litter box & lain-lain alatan yang diperlukan untuk keselesaan Harlie. Pembelian tersebut berjumlah RM187.40. Jadi, baki wang derma yang masih ada pada saya sekarang ialah RM179.60. Ini akan digunakan sepenuhnya untuk membayar kos vaksinasi Harlie pada 4/1/12 yang akan datang ni & juga untuk membeli barang-barang keperluan Harlie pada masa akan datang, seperti makanan, pasir litter, etc.

Tempoh rawatan Harlie hampir-hampir sebulan iaitu daripada 24/11/11 sehingga 21/12/11. Lama kan? Syukurla dia dah pulih sekarang. Ni gambar2 terbaru dia :)

Harlie - her first day at our house 21/12/11 

 Harlie - first day at our house 21/12/11

 Harlie getting her sutures taken out - last day at HVC 21/12/11

 Dr Joe taking out Harlie's sutures, just before Harlie was discharged from HVC

This is how the sutures look like after they're taken out

Sekali lagi saya mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi terima kasih saya kepada semua penderma Harlie & juga kepada Dr Joe/Dr Nurul di HVC..tanpa anda & berkat Allah SWT this rescue would not have been possible! Terima kasih semua!


Hello all.

On 27th of Dec 2011, I went to HVC again...not to visit Harlie (duhh obviously as she's at our home now, haha) but to finally make payment for the outstanding balance still overdue at HVC for Harlie's treatment. A photo of the official receipt can be seen above (1st photo from the top).

The outstanding balance still owing to HVC for Harlie's treatment cost is RM615. This is based on the initial cost estimate of RM1315 for Harlie's treatment from 24/11/11 to 7/12/11. From 8/12/11 to 21/12/11, Harlie's treatment & hospitalization cost was kindly borne by HVC (due to complications with Harlie's sutures, requiring a resuturing & close monitoring). Thank you for your kindness Dr Joe, Dr Nurul of HVC! :)

After making the final payment of RM615 to HVC, the balance of donations remaining was RM393. In the days leading to Harlie's discharge from the ward, I've made purchases for Harlie's food, litter, litter tray & other necessities amounting to RM187.40. Hence, the balance of donations still remaining with me as of today is RM179.60. This will be used to pay for Harlie's upcoming vaccination on 4/1/12 and also to buy her food & litter in future.

In total, Harlie spent almost a month being hospitalized at HVC, that is from 24/11/11 until 21/12/11. Quite a long time, isn't it? Well, I'm just glad she's better now.

You can see the latest photos of her above.

Again, I wish to thank you all of Harlie's donors and also Dr Joe & Dr Nurul of HVC. Without all of you & the grace of God this rescue would not have been possible. Thanks all!

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