I was doing my research fieldwork around the Bangi area in late November 2011, when I suddenly stumbled into a stray pregnant female cat. I was instantly attracted to her unique appearance, her face looked like a sad mime or harlequin. When i tried to approach her, she scuttled away. I saw something weird about the way she ran away, it was only then I realized that she has 1 missing hand, and the wound was still bloody & raw. Feeling sympathy for this 3-legged cat, I proceeded to feed & check on her for the next 2 days and nights. On the 3rd day, I successfully captured her & immediately brought her to the vet for treatment. This is her story..and mine. A story about Harlie, the 3-legged cat.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Harlie update - 16/12/11

Salam semua.

5 hari lepas, pada 16/12/11, saya pergi melawat Harlie lagi. Kali ni, ada 2 berita baik:

a) Eczema kat perut Harlie dah totally hilang
b) Harlie dah mula manja2 dgn saya - dah start main laga2 kepala dia kat tangan

Alhamdulillah :) 

Harlie pun tetap selera sgt makan & minum, walaupun dia tengah kene pakai e-collar. Yelah, sesetengah kucing bila kene pakai e-collar akan jadi depressed je dan akan kurang selera makan. Tapi syukurlah Harlie tak camtu. Dia perlu semua tenaga & zat yg dia boleh dapat supaya dia cepat sembuh.

Kalau anda lihat gambar di bawah, perhatikan perut Harlie dah takde lagi scabs (kuping) dari eczema dia tu. Tapi, cuba lihat pula kat jahitan luka amputasi tangan dia tu. Nampak tak bahagian tengah jahitan tu masih lagi merah? Kat bahagian hujung2 sutures tu macam dah nak pulih. Saya bertanya kat ayah saya (dia seorang surgeon), dia beritahu saya yang untuk kes Y-shaped incision macam yang dah dibuat kat Harlie ni, memang selalu jadi kes dimana bahagian tengah2 jahitan tu memang lambat/susah nak baik. Ni disebabkan kadang-kala tisu & kulit kat bahagian tu dah melalui proses necrosis sebab kehilangan bekalan darah/oksigen. Bila dah necro, maka kulit tu pun akan mati dan ianya takkan/lambat untuk bercantum semula.

Apa2 pun, mari kita semua teruskan berdoa supaya Harlie cepat recover 100% :) Terima kasih!

P.S: Oh, satu lagi berita baik! InsyaAllah esok Harlie akan di-discaj dari ward @ HVC! Tu pun kalau semua ok & jahitan dia dah boleh buka. Kalau semua ok, Harlie akan diberi ubat deworming & juga vaksin 4-in-1...pastu saya akan bawa Harlie pulang ke rumah :) Masa tu saya juga akan buat pembayaran akhir kepada Dr Joe/Nurul di HVC untuk kos rawatan Harlie. Resit pembayaran tu akan saya attachkan di sini kemudian

Nantikan update seterusnya :)


Hi all.

5 days ago, on 16/5/11, I visited Harlie again @ HVC. This time, there were 2 major good news:

a) Harlie's eczema is totally gone
b) Harlie has started to trust me & has begun to show some affection - lots of head bumps from her on my hand!

Thank God!

Despite having to wear an E-collar, Harlie hasn't lost her appetite..good girl! We were quite anxious before, fearing that she will become depressed & lose her appetite once we put the E-collar on her. Well, apparently that's not so with this li'l girl :) Which is good, as she will need all the nutrients & strength she can get in order to have a swift recovery.

Looking at the photo above, you can see that the eczema scabs on Harlie's tummy has totally disappeared. Next, look closely at the sutures at her amputation site. Can you see how the sutures at the ends of the Y-shaped incision are almost healed? Note how the sutures in the middle part (the junction where the 2 arms of the 'Y' meets) of the incision are still reddish? I asked my dad (who is a surgeon) about this, and he told me that this is normally the case for Y-shaped incisions such as these, even in humans. It's because the tissue/skin at the middle part of the incision are likely to experience a lack of blood/oxygen, which leads to necrosis. Once the tissue/skin has necro'd, it will die..hence even when it's stitched together, it will be difficult for the tissue/skin to adhere together. Or else, it will take awhile for it to do so.

Well, anyway..let's all keep on praying for Harlie to recover totally soon :) Thanks all!

P.S: Oh, another bit of good news! God-willing, Harlie will be discharged from the ward @ HVC tomorrow! If everything is ok with her, of course. We're most concerned about her sutures. If that is ok, and the stitches can come off tomorrow with no hiccups, then Harlie will get vaccinated & dewormed..then I will bring her home with me :) If that happens, I will make the final payment to Dr Joe/Nurul @ HVC for Harlie's outstanding treatment cost, after which I'll post up the receipt here.

Stay tuned for more updates :)


  1. Hello Dani!!! Sorry I haven't checked on this blog for a while it has been quite hectic around here, lots of distractions and plus I was suffering a bad cold... I am glad she is recovering well, and eating well!!! atta girl! I am so touched to know that she is now finally starting to trust you, oh it must be such a special feeling!!! I really hope she can finally come home soon, so let's hope the suture will heal up quickly! I hear kak Siti and her family are on their way to your neighbourhood, I hope you guys can meet up, and they can meet Harlie and of course Erin, Snow and Mimi!!! L & O

  2. Hi there Licia. No problem at all. I hope your cold has subsided! Yes, Harlie is getting better by the day..she has a voracious appetite it seems, and is doing #1 & #2 regularly. She is in fact @ home with me right now already :) And yes, through my FB I think you already know that K.Siti & family has come & visited all of us...it was simply great! :)
