I was doing my research fieldwork around the Bangi area in late November 2011, when I suddenly stumbled into a stray pregnant female cat. I was instantly attracted to her unique appearance, her face looked like a sad mime or harlequin. When i tried to approach her, she scuttled away. I saw something weird about the way she ran away, it was only then I realized that she has 1 missing hand, and the wound was still bloody & raw. Feeling sympathy for this 3-legged cat, I proceeded to feed & check on her for the next 2 days and nights. On the 3rd day, I successfully captured her & immediately brought her to the vet for treatment. This is her story..and mine. A story about Harlie, the 3-legged cat.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanks to Harlie's donors from Singapore!

Salam semua.

Saya ada menerima berita baik dari kawan baik saya Kak Siti Sujiah dari Singapura. Beliau memberitahu saya bahawa beliau telah berjaya mengumpul derma ikhlas untuk Harlie daripada kawan-kawan & keluarga beliau berjumlah SGD240 semuanya! Syukur alhamdulillah. Saya amat tersentuh dengan dedikasi & kemuliaan tindakan Kak Siti Sujiah, bukan sahaja dia berjaya mengumpul jumlah derma yang sebegitu banyak untuk Harlie tetapi sebelum ni dia juga telahpun menderma untuk Fund for Saving Harlie. Walaupun tidak diminta/disuruh, Kak Siti mengorbankan masa & tenaganya untuk meminta & mengumpul dana-dana derma tu. An example of kemuliaan & kebaikan hati manusia :) Senarai nama penderma-penderma dari Singapura adalah seperti berikut:

1) Christine (Shiqi Xtin) 
2) Mumtaz Begam Aziz 
3) Anonymous
4) Elena Iskandar 
5) Sarini Hamid 

Dengan ini, jumlah derma yang masih kami perlukan untuk membiaya medical bills Harlie sudah menjadi RM0 :) In fact, jumlah keseluruhan yang akan diterima dijangka akan melebihi amaun yang diperlukan. Selebihnya akan digunakan untuk membeli makanan Harlie, membayar vaksinasinya dalam masa 2 minggu lagi & memberinya ubat deworming & lain2 ubat yang mungkin diperlukan.

Ribuan terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada mereka di atas kerana memberi sumbangan untuk Harlie. Dana yang diterima akan digunakan sebaik mungkin untuk manfaat Harlie. Semoga Allah SWT memberkati semua usaha kita ni, insyAllah. Harlie tidak mengenali anda, tak boleh mengucapkan terima kasih kepada anda, mungkin tidak berpeluang untuk berjumpa dengan anda..tetapi ketahuilah yang sumbangan anda ini telah memberikan dia peluang kedua yang terbaik.


Hi all.

I've received some really great news from my good friend Kak Siti Sujiah of Singapore. She told me that she has managed to garner donations for Harlie from her friends & family members. The amount is to the tune of SGD240! Syukur, thank God. I am really touched by her dedication & generosity to Harlie's cause. Not only did she manage to collect such a staggering amount in donations, but she is also a previous donor to the Fund for Saving Harlie. Unbidden and at the expense of her energy & precious time, Kak Siti has obtained & consolidated the donations. That's a stellar example of the kindness & nobility the human heart is capable of :) 

The list of donors from Singapore are as follows:

1) Christine (Shiqi Xtin) 
2) Mumtaz Begam Aziz 
3) Anonymous
4) Elena Iskandar 
5) Sarini Hamid 

With their kind donations, the shortfall amount still needed to cover Harlie's medicall bills has fallen to RM0 :) In fact, the final amount of donations received is expected to be in excess of the total amount needed. Hence, there will be a surplus of funds. This surplus will be used to buy special food for Harlie, to pay for her vaccination shots in 2 week's time & also for her deworming & other medications she might need in the future.

My sincerest & utmost thanks & gratitude goes out again to all the kind donors from Singapore. The donations you gave will be utilized fully for the betterment of Harlie. May God bless us all for our efforts in helping this very special kitty who happens to be short of 1 leg :) Harlie doesn't know you, she can't thank you, she may never even be able to meet all of you, but know this..what you've given her is a very good shot at a 2nd chance to be happy & healthy in life. What more can any of us ask for? :)

Good night Harlie, good night everyone.

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