I was doing my research fieldwork around the Bangi area in late November 2011, when I suddenly stumbled into a stray pregnant female cat. I was instantly attracted to her unique appearance, her face looked like a sad mime or harlequin. When i tried to approach her, she scuttled away. I saw something weird about the way she ran away, it was only then I realized that she has 1 missing hand, and the wound was still bloody & raw. Feeling sympathy for this 3-legged cat, I proceeded to feed & check on her for the next 2 days and nights. On the 3rd day, I successfully captured her & immediately brought her to the vet for treatment. This is her story..and mine. A story about Harlie, the 3-legged cat.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What's up with Harlie?

Salam semua.

Dah 2-3 hari jugaklah saya tak update blog ni. Minta maaf ye, tapi terlalu sibuk lately ni, tak sempat nak tulis ape-ape update pasal Harlie. Dalam masa 2-3 hari tu, saya ada menjenguk Harlie 2-3 kali jugaklah, jadi banyak lah yang dah berlaku, cuma belum tulis je lagi :)

Ok, jahitan kat kawasan amputasi tangan Harlie telah dijahit semula oleh Dr Joe & Dr Nurul di HVC pada 7/12/11. Keesokannya, iaitu pada 8/12/11, saya telah datang melawat Harlie. Overall, keadaan Harlie masa tu adalah baik & jahitan baru tu pun kelihatan lebih bersih, elok & cantik dari yang sebelum ni. Kulit & tisu sekelilingnya tak merah & inflamed. Kulit & tisu lama yang dah mati dah dibuang. Bawah ni gambar Harlie & kawasan jahitan baru tu pada 8/12/11. Jom kita sama2 berdoa agar Harlie tak cuba cabut jahitan baru ni pulak :)

Pada hari yang sama, Dr Joe telah mencadangkan kepada saya agar tempoh hospitalization Harlie di HVC dilanjutkan selama 1-2 minggu lagi sehingga luka & jahitan baru ni betul-betul sembuh. Beliau juga amat berbaik hati & telah memberitahu saya bahawa extension 1-2 minggu hospitalization Harlie ni akan ditangguh sepenuhnya oleh HVC. In other words, saya hanya perlu membayar kos ubat-ubatan & hospitalization Harlie sehingga 7/12/11 sahaja. Dari 7/12 hingga 21/12 ianya adalah FOC. Alhamdulillah. Baik hati betul Dr Joe & Dr Nurul di Honey Vet Clinic ni, berdedikasi nak rawat Harlie. Maka, saya dengan berbesar hati pun menerima tawaran mereka tersebut. Mana lagi nak jumpa vet yang baik hati & komited camni, kawan-kawan? :) Memang susah la nak jumpa saya rasa. HVC memang the best :)

Dr Joe berbuat sedemikian kerana mereka nak lihat Harlie betul-betul pulih & luka/jahitannya betul-betul sembuh 100% then baru mereka boleh melepaskan Harlie ke dalam jagaan saya dengan senang hati. Selain daripada tu, Dr Joe juga ada sedikit risau sebab nampak gayanya nutrisi & pemakanan Harlie selama dia jadi stray sebelum ni memang tak elok. Salah satu gigi geraham Harlie dah reput & dah longgar, sebab kekurangan zat. Jadi dalam 1-2 minggu ni mereka juga bercadang untuk kasi Harlie makan vitamin & food supplement untuk memperbaiki keadaan nutrisinya.

Ok, on to the next update pulak....


Hi all!

It's been a few days since I last updated this blog. My apologies, but things have been just crazy lately that I haven't had time to update all of you on Harlie's condition. Since I last posted here, I've visited Harlie 2-3 times, so yup, a lot has been happening..they just haven't been written yet!


Where did we leave off? Ok, so Harlie' amputation site was resutured on 7/12/11 by Dr Joe & Dr Nurul @ HVC. The following day, the 8th, I dropped by HVC to see how Harlie was doing. To keep it short & as succinct as possible, Harlie is doing good & the new sutures appear to be very well done indeed. They are drier, cleaner..and the skin around it doesn't look inflamed & reddish as it was before.  All the dead skin & tissue has been removed. Let's all pray & hope that Harlie wouldn't try to lick & dislodge the new sutures :) The above photo was taken on 8/12/11 and shows the condition of the new stitches.

Then, Dr Joe suggested that Harlie' stay at HVC be extended another 1-2 weeks to allow the wound & new sutures to heal & bind together completely. He also made me a very kind offer...Harlie's 1-2 weeks extension stay at HVC will be FOC & all costs from 7/12/11 (the date Harlie was supposed to be discharged) until 21/12/11 will be borne by HVC. Alhamdulillah. I am amazed by Dr Joe's & Dr Nurul's kindness & passion in making sure Harlie will pull through this completely. I do believe it's hard to find vets with that level of commitment to their charge. I can't say enough good things about them & HVC :)

They then told me that the reason they're doing this is so that they can be completely sure that Harlie is 100% healed. They said that once she's completely healed, only then will they discharge Harlie into my care. The sutures will also need to be monitored daily, something that I'm afraid I don't have the capacity to do myself. Furthermore, it seems that Harlie's nutritional condition is a bit lacking, sadly, One of her molars is decaying and has become loose. So in the next 1-2 weeks while she's there, they will give Harlie daily doses of vitamins & dietary supplements to augment her nutritional needs.

Ok, that's all for now. More in the next update.


  1. Kudos to HVC's Dr Joe and Nurul for being such a dedicated vet. I wish I can move somewhere near HVC so my pets can have a good vet like Dr Joe and Dr Nurul.

  2. Yup, lots of kudos to them. I am indebted to them for their kindness & dedication to treating Harlie. Where are you staying now, Pepper? If it's KL, then Bangi isn't too far away :)

  3. I'm currently over the sea, most of the time in Kuching, Sarawak. My hometown in Tawau, Sabah. Before this, most of the time we sent our cats to the government vet, but over time, my father become the unofficial vet. :)

  4. Pepper: Don't worry Pepper, I'm sure they have good vets over there in Sabah too :) Your father must be very experience to become the unofficial vet :D Was he a vet before?

  5. Nope, just a policeman, but he's very good with taking care of cats, especially one with skin problems like bad mange. He was so dedicated that's you'll find the cat all better and much more beautiful after few weeks treated by him. He's the one who bother with deworming the cats and terramycin-ing the kittens. I think he pick all these up after countless visits with the vet.

  6. Wow, he sounds amazing Pepper! I wouldn't mind having a neighbour like that around...I have an idea most of my neighbours don't like cats :( May I know what does your father use to treat mange in cats? And how many cats do you guys have at home?
