I was doing my research fieldwork around the Bangi area in late November 2011, when I suddenly stumbled into a stray pregnant female cat. I was instantly attracted to her unique appearance, her face looked like a sad mime or harlequin. When i tried to approach her, she scuttled away. I saw something weird about the way she ran away, it was only then I realized that she has 1 missing hand, and the wound was still bloody & raw. Feeling sympathy for this 3-legged cat, I proceeded to feed & check on her for the next 2 days and nights. On the 3rd day, I successfully captured her & immediately brought her to the vet for treatment. This is her story..and mine. A story about Harlie, the 3-legged cat.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Update keadaan Harlie - 29/11/11 - Update on Harlie's condition

Salam semua.

Petang tadi saya & isteri telah pergi melawat Harlie sekitar jam 4.30pm di Honey Vet Clinic. Sampai sahaja di sana, kami dah tak sabar2 nak tengok Harlie, rindu kat dia. Almaklumlah, dah nak dekat 2 hari tak tengok dia. Kami kena tunggu sekitar 10 minit sambil Dr Joe ambik Harlie keluar dari cage di wad & bawak dia masuk ke consultation room. Yup, dalam bakul biru Harlie yang comel tulah, ape lagi :) 

Ni dia Harlie kita:

Besar kan mata dia? Pastu nampak tak jahitan kat tangan Harlie yang dah takde tu macam semakin baik & kering sikit? Aritu macam masih merah-merah lagi. Alhamdulillah syukur, kami diberitahu oleh Dr Joe & Dr Nurul yang kini Harlie semakin selera makan & minum, in fact diorang kata Harlie makan banyak sangat wet food & kibbles. Sian dia, mesti dia lapar. Minum pun ok, jadi dia dah tak dehydrated lagi. Kencing & berak dia pun dah kembali macam biasa. Alhamdulillah sekali lagi.

Dr Joe cakap Harlie ni rupa-rupanya macam garang skit, agak susah nak bagi dia makan ubat katanye. Mungkin dia garang tu sebab dia trauma dengan perbuatan manusia yang jahat kepada dia sebelum ni. Aritu, masa saya rescue dia (24hb Nov), actually Harlie ni dah gigit saya kat jari. Sampai berdarah digigitnya. Masa tu saya cuba nak pegang kepala dia sebab vet nak inject dia, tiba2 je terasa ada gigi sudah ngap saya punya jari telunjuk, haha. Malam tu jugak saya gi klinik manusia untuk ambik anti-tetanus shot, sekadar berjaga-jaga. Jadi daripada aritu pun saya dah tahu yang Harlie ni garang skit dgn orang, tp takpe, saya maafkan dia sebab saya rasa dia dalam ketakutan masa tu. 

In fact, yang dikatakan Harlie ni garang sekarang ni pun, saya rasa bukan dia garang sebenarnya, tapi dia lebih kepada ketakutan, jadi dia pun cuba la defend diri dia. Satu lagi, Dr Joe kata dia boleh tengok yang Harlie ni memang takut dengan orang. Kami keluarkan dia dari bakul dia kejap tadi, lepastu dia terus pegi menyorok dalam almari, hehe. Yelah, saya pun tak terkejut lah dia takut dengan orang..tengoklah apa orang lain yang jahat dah buat pada dia :( Mana dia tak takut dengan orang. Tapi, saya yakin bahawa selepas ni, apabila Harlie diberi kasih sayang, dia akan percaya sepenuhnya kepada tuannya & akan menyayangi & manja dengan tuannya sama macam kucing-kucing lain jugak. InsyaAllah.

Yang belah kiri tu is Harlie nye tangan kanan yang telah dipotong, yang belah kanan berdarah2 tu pulak is her rahim/ovari. Kandungan dia yang dah mati tu ada lagi dalam tu..ada 4 ekor :(

Ok..lepas tu Dr Joe bawak keluar tangan kanan Harlie yang telah dipotong & rahimnya yang telah dikeluarkan tu. Gambarnya seperti di atas. Tangan & rahim Harlie tu telah disimpan & dibekukan sebab mereka nak tunjuk kat saya. I have to admit, tadi saya rasa agak loya bila tengok kedua-duanya tu, agak ngeri. Saya pun tak pernah tengok benda camtu. Astaghfirullah, rasa macam nak pitam pun ada. Tapi isteri saya rilex, steady je amik2 gambar. Saya tak boleh, tengok kaki Harlie tu macam peha ayam pun ada..terus hilang selera :( Anyway, anak kandungan Harlie yang dah mati tu masih ada dalam rahim dia tu, ada 4 ekor. Kesian Harlie. Tadi dia macam angkat-angkat kepala sebab nak tengok tangan & ovari yang bekas kepunyaan dia ni... :( Sayu hati saya tengok.

Kemudian Dr Joe kasi Harlie makan ubat-ubatnya. Macam-macam, ada antibiotik, pain killer, vitamin B Complex, etc. Lepas tu saya minta Dr Joe tolong keluarkan Harlie dari bakulnya sekejap, sebab saya nak tengok camne gaya Harlie berdiri & berjalan dengan hanya 3 kakinya. Syukur alhamdulillah, nampak gayanya Harlie telah berjaya menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan barunya..dia boleh berdiri & berjalan dengan baik tadi. Berlari belum ada pelunag lagi, tapi saya yakin dia boleh lari kalau dia nak. Kat bawah ni gambar-gambar Harlie berdiri:

Harlie dah boleh berdiri & berjalan!

Demam & flu Harlie dah pulih 100%. Jahitan pada luka operation C-section nya akan dibuka dalam masa beberapa hari lagi, iaitu pada 4/12/11. Jahitan luka pada tangan kanannya yang dah dipotong tu pulak akan diperhatikan dulu keadaannya..kalau macam dah kering & ok, maka ianya akan dibuka pada 4/12/11 jugak. Kalau belum lagi, then akan ditangguh lagi seminggu. Selain daripada tu, Harlie kene pakai E-collar, sebab kami takut dia akan jilat jahitan-jahitan dia tu.

Bergantung kepada keadaan Harlie pada 4/12 ni & juga kepada keadaan di rumah saya (saya kene beli satu lagi cage kucing yang besar untuk Harlie), ada kemungkinan saya akan membawa Harlie pulang pada hari tersebut. Saya akan foster dia sementara menunggu adopter yang betul-betul 100% serius & berkebolehan menjaga Harlie. Dia ni dah jadi kucing istimewa, jadi tuannya nanti pun kena lah istimewa jugak. Kepada sesiapa yang berminat & baik hati nak mengadopt Harlie, sila hubungi saya. Perlu diingatkan Harlie wajib jadi kucing 100% indoor selepas ni.

Kos rawatan Harlie juga telah meningkat kepada RM1315. Itu adalah untuk kos rawatan & hospitalization sehingga 4/12 sahaja. Jika Harlie perlu tinggal lagi di HVC, maka kosnya akan bertambah sebanyak RM20/hari. Kini, kami masih kesuntukan RM357 lagi untuk mencukupkan amaun yang diperlukan tersebut. Jadi saya & Harlie amat berbesar hati sekiranya ada lagi penderma yang dapat memberi sumbangan ikhlas mereka. Sila lihat post yang sebelum ni untuk breakdown yang lebih detail tentang kos.

Sekian, terima kasih semua, keep Harlie in your thoughts and keep on praying for her, for a speedy recovery. Wassalam.


Greetings to all you fans of Harlie's :)

Earlier today at around 4.30pm, my wife & I went to visit Harlie again at Honey Vet Clinic. It's been almost 2 full days since we haven't seen her, so understandably we missed her very much & were quite anxious to see her and find out how she's coping after the emergency surgery the other day. We waited for approx 10 minutes while Dr Joe went to fetch Harlie out of the ward & into the consultation room. She had a ride in her cute blue plastic basket, of course. :)

Here she is, the lovely girl:

She has lovely, big, 'doe' eyes, right? Note that the stitches at her wounds are getting drier & a lot less inflamed than before. Seems like it's healing nicely, will need some more time though before the sutures can come out. The sutures for her emergency C-section incision will be taken out this Sunday 4/12, while the sutures at her amputated right hand will have to be monitored further. If they seem to be ok, then they will be taken out too on 4/12. Otherwise, they will remain for another week or so.

Thank God, we were told by Dr Joe & Dr Nurul that Harlie has regained her appetite. She's been eating wet food & kibbles ravenously & eating copious amounts of water, they said. Harlie has also done #1 & #2 on her own as well, so no worries there. Poor girl, she must've been starving! And it seems that she's not dehydrated anymore. Thank God!

We were told by Dr Joe that Harlie turns out to be quite a fierce kitty, so it's hard to give her medication. Perhaps she's fierce because she's traumatized by all the cruel things people have done to her throughout her entire life? That is most probably the case, and the one that I'm betting is true. The day that I rescued her, on 24/11, Harlie actually bit me on my index finger while I was trying to hold her head while the vet gave her some medication. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain as her teeth bit me. It drew blood, so later that night I had to go & get an anti-tetanus shot at the clinic as a precaution. I didn't mind at all, I forgave Harlie straight away, as I know that she must've been scared & in pain then. So I've been privy to the fact that she's a bit on the fierce side.. :) But, what we see as fierceness or ferocity, is actually fear, I think. She's fearful, so she defends herself & reacts the only way she knows how..with a show of anger.

Dr Joe also told us that Harlie seems to be scared of people. We coerced her out of her basket for a bit just now, and she straight away went into hiding in a closet. Well, after all that she's been through, and all that those heartless people have done to her, I must say that I'm not surprised Harlie is a bit scared of us. But I'm confident that with time and with enough love & affection from us & her new owners in future, Harlie will turn out to be a very loving & affectionate kitty, who will trust us humans completely. Just like any other cat. God willing.

Right. After awhile, I asked Dr Joe about Harlie's amputated right hand & her womb that was taken out during the emergency surgery the other day. He went to fetch it for us from the freezer. I must admit, I felt a bit queasy. I've never seen anything like that before. The amputated hand looked like a chicken thigh & drumstick, and to my dismay I quickly lost all of my appetite. The ovary/womb, meanwhile, was still bloody and Harlie's dead kittens were still inside. There were 4 of them. My wife, Erin, just kept her cool throughout and kept on taking photos...but I could barely talk & think. I understand that they wanted to show me the amputated limb & ovary, but I'll be very grateful if I don't see another sight like that in my whole life. Nevermore. Thank you. Poor Harlie, as she too kept on raising her head to have a look at what used to be attached to & inside her body. :( I felt a little bit of my heart shatter into pieces when I saw Harlie doing that.

Then, Dr Joe gave Harlie her meds. There were all sorts, antibiotics...vitamin B complex..painkillers...etc. Harlie took it all down quite easily & without much complaint. After that, I asked Dr Joe to take Harlie out of her basket for awhile, and put her on the floor..as I'd like to see if she has adapted well to her new 3-legged condition, and if she can stand & walk on her own yet. Happy to report that Harlie can now stand & walk quite well! Thank God! No running yet, but I think she can run if she wants to. Just now now, there's her fresh sutures to think of. Here are photos of Harlie standing & walking:

We were also glad to know that Harlie's flu has completely gone away as well. Apart from the operation incisions & sutures, there's not much wrong with her. Just a couple more days of careful observation by the vets is all that's required. Oh, and she has to wear an E-collar from now on, to prevent her from licking at the sutures.

Depending on Harlie's condition & also several other factors (we need to buy another big cat cage for her, as she needs cage rest for the next 2 weeks, which we haven't bought yet), there's a high chance that I will be taking her home this Sunday, 4/12.  In that case, we will be fostering her until we find her a promising adopter who is 100% serious in adopting her & who will be able to meet her special needs. Harlie is now a very special cat with very special requirements, so it's only fitting that hew new owners should be special as well. If there's anyone interested in doing so, please kindly contact me here. I will be glad to arrange a meeting time for us to meet. I'll have to do a thorough screening, though, to judge the adopter's suitability & also her environement's suitability for Harlie. I hope they will understand. It's also important to note that Harlie will need to be kept strictly indoors from now on.

Harlie's medical bills have increased to an estimated final amount of RM1315. That will cover all the procedures, medications, tests, food & hospitalization for her until 4/12/11 only. Afterwards, if she needs to stay on at the vet's, then cost will increase by RM20/night. As of today, we've received a total of RM958 in donations, of which RM475 has been paid to the vet. There's an unused balance of RM483 from the donations, while the amount outstanding at the vet is RM840. Hence, we need another RM357 in donations to cover Harlie's medical bills. I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who would be willing to hand in their donations for Harlie. No amount is too little, every bit goes a long way. For details on how to make donations, please refer to the column to the right of this page. For details on the breakdown of donations received so far & their usage, refer to my previous post.

Okay, that's it for now. Bedtime. Please keep Harlie in your thoughts and do help us if you can. Keep on praying for her please, pray for her speedy recovery. Thanks everyone!


  1. alhamdulillah....syukur sangat-sangat dengan progress harlie =) speedy recovery ya harlie!


  2. Thanks Anna! Saya pun bersyukur sgt2 Harlie dah recover skit2 from her ordeal. Thanks Anna, keep on praying for her k :)

  3. Alhamdulillah..glad to hear that harlie is doing fine. menangis saya membaca entry kali ni. Bila tengok internal organ n kaki harlie tu saya x dapat tahan sebak.kejamnye manusia hari ini. get well soon harlie. my prayer is always with u.


  4. Rosmaili: Salam. Terima kasih for praying for Harlie. She's getting better & better by the day now. Tinggal nak cabut stitches dia je lagi.
