I was doing my research fieldwork around the Bangi area in late November 2011, when I suddenly stumbled into a stray pregnant female cat. I was instantly attracted to her unique appearance, her face looked like a sad mime or harlequin. When i tried to approach her, she scuttled away. I saw something weird about the way she ran away, it was only then I realized that she has 1 missing hand, and the wound was still bloody & raw. Feeling sympathy for this 3-legged cat, I proceeded to feed & check on her for the next 2 days and nights. On the 3rd day, I successfully captured her & immediately brought her to the vet for treatment. This is her story..and mine. A story about Harlie, the 3-legged cat.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sharing my thoughts with 2 good friends on FB

Ever since I rescued Harlie, I've been trying to figure out what to do that is best for her. I want absolutely nothing less for her, just the best. So, in order to get some ideas, I messaged & shared my thoughts with 2 good friends of my wife & I on FB. One is Kak Siti from Singapore & the other is Kak Licia from Rome, Italy. We've known each other online for a few years now, and both of them are real cat lovers.

Here are screenshots showing excerpts from our conversation:

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